Friday, January 22, 2010

obama care - welfare for the GOP to hang on the Dems

At the end of the day, much of Obama care is welfare: tax dollars are being used to help the poor. You can argue about the details, and all the other stuff in the plan, but thats the major cost component.
So, the question is: how long before the GOP realizes that Obama care is actually 100 billion dollars of welfare, and how long before we see the willy horton equivalent...
Opening Shot TV Ad: Tired working class guy, maybe a plumber or carpenter, on the job.
Sun angle establishes end of day
Voice over: working extra to pay more taxes for OBama's socialist healthcare plan.
What will the dems do next - make you work all night to pay for illegal immigrants...
Fade out to Flag waving in the breeze
Voice over: The Republican Party, Keeping Your country strong and your taxes low.
(note to conservatives: above is satire)

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