Monday, January 18, 2010

Newton, MA home of the slob

Newton MA is a suburb just west of Boston. With 90,000 residents, there are small pockets of poverty and many working class neighborhoods, but, generally, Newton is known as a wealthy town, with a highly educated citizenry: professors from Brandeis and MIT and Tufts and Harvard, doctors from the famous boston hospitals, CPAs, lawyers, and a strong contingent of professionals from the areas biotechnology companies.

Yet despite all this, the citizenry are slobs who are incredibly noisy.

Newton has several little shopping districts, with the expected - starbucks, and clothing shops an so forth, with trash barrels maintained by the city. Since the city doesn't empty the barrels on weekends, the barrels are often overflowing (literally) by Sunday, particulary in the summer when people are out more.

I personally, with my own eyes, have seen people walk up to an overflowing trash barrel, and place their trash on the ground, to be blown about in the wind.

I wonder what the overwhelmingly white citizens of newton would say if they saw a black person do this in Boston.

The citizens of Newton are no more respectful of their athletic fields, heavily used in the spring and fall, then they are of their sidewalks; after every weekend, the fields are littered with plastic bottles and other trash that people were to lazy to take with them; often one fines the plastic bottles in a little pile, surely the ultimate in snobbish arrogance: here maintenance person/maid, I've been so nice as to put the trash in a little pile for you.

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